Monthly Archives: November 2018

Why Brand and Reputation are Important to Authors


A recognized brand is a strategic tool and important business asset that can determine your success as an author – as much as quality or price. Proper branding is imperative to commercializing your business as it advances product exposure which in turn can lead to increased demand for your books and products.

The American Marketing Association defines brand as, “a name, term, sign, symbol or combination of such, intended to identify the goods and services of the seller and to differentiate it from the competitors.”  Branding is all activities that raise awareness for your business and helps shape consumers perceptions, awareness, associations and loyalty for your offerings.

Professional reputation is defined by the image and quality of products and services and is further conditioned by consumer understanding, knowledge, intuition and awareness. Reputation is defined as the “public” opinion about your business. A “good” reputation alleviates consumers concerns about purchasing books, products or services and assists in strengthening brand loyalty.

The terms brand and reputation are interrelated and sometimes a strong brand image can overcome some reputation issues.


  • Improves recognition – use of logo or name etc.
  • Assists in promotion of products/books/services.
  • Attributes quality, value, reliability and variety.
  • Associates an image – “luxury” “mass-market” – to the products/books/services.
  • Creates trust, credibility, legitimacy and loyalty.
  • Supports advertising.
  • Differentiates your products/books/services from the competition.
  • Generates customer sales.
  • Builds financial value and resources.


  • Develops and evolves in combination with our actions and the perceptions of others.
  • Harder to build than to destroy.
  • Requires effort, patience and time to build.
  • Needs constant attention and consistency.
  • Represents your value in the marketplace.


The establishment of a solid brand, image and a good reputation represent key elements for creating success in the literary world

Why I attended Loyola Marymount University and Why I choose to give

  My reasons for choosing Loyola Marymount University (LMU), or in my case Marymount College decades ago, are not vastly different from judgments students make today on where to attend college. I wanted an academically challenging environment that fostered learning, stimulated thinking, nurtured spirituality and spiritual awareness, encouraged development – personal – faith – academic… Continue Reading